About Prof. Vigdorovich

Vladimir Vigdorovich was born on 19 August 1937 in Leningrad and graduated from school in Karpinsk, Sverdlovsk region. In 1960, he graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute (USTU-UPI) with a degree in Electrochemical Production Technology. In 1960-62 worked as a research associate at the laboratory of corrosion and wastewater treatment of Yaroslavl Research Institute of Monomers for Synthetic Acids (now JSC Research Institute "Yarsintez"). In 1962 he started his postgraduate studies at Voronezh State University at the Department of Physical Chemistry. In 1966 he defended his PhD thesis on "Dissolution Mechanism of Magnesium Alloys".
Since 1967 V. Vigdorovich lived and worked in Tambov. His scientific and pedagogical activities have been closely connected with two Tambov universities: inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, theory of metal corrosion, colloid chemistry, structure of matter, ecology (chemical aspects and problems), atmosphere ecology, hydrosphere ecology; techniques and technology of waste processing and utilization, physical chemistry of nanomaterials.
At the Derzhavin State University of Tambov, V. Vigdorovich worked from 1967 till 2007 as a head of the departments of inorganic and physical chemistry, organic and analytical chemistry, analytical chemistry and ecology. 2001-2006, he was the Head of the Institute of Natural Sciences. Presently, practically the whole staff of the Chair of Chemistry consists of his former students.
Since 2007, V. Vigdorovich has worked as a professor at Tambov State Technical University.
V.I. Vigdorovich was always active in public work. In 1971-1984 he was a member of the Academic Committee of Chemistry of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR. He was a member of Scientific Committee on chemistry of Ministry of Education of RSFSR, in 1973 - 1986 - chairman of primary organization of society "Znanie" (rus. for knowledge) of TSPI, in 1987 - 1990 - chairman of regional board of All-Union Chemical Society named after D.I. Mendeleev, in 1990 - 1995 - chairman of regional board of scientific and technical society, since 1985 - member of scientific and technical council of Department of Environment Protection and Nature Management of Tambov region, in 1994 - 1997 - member of political council "For revival of Tambov region".
Since 1996 V. Vigdorovich is a chairman of Ph.D. thesis council on speciality 05.17.03 - Chemical resistance of materials and corrosion protection (chemical sciences, technical sciences) in TSU named after Derzhavin. Since 2008. V. Vigdorovich was the chairman of Dissertational Council D 212.260.06 at Tambov Technical University on the specialty 05.17.03 - Technology of electrochemical processes and corrosion protection. V. Vigdorovich nurtured more than 30 candidates and 5 doctors of Chemical Sciences.
More than 10 years of fruitful scientific life, including the last 4 years of V. Vigdorovich were closely connected with the work in FSBEI VNIITIN. While working there, V. Vigdorovich defended his doctoral thesis "Electrode Processes and Corrosion of Iron Group Metals in Alcoholic Media", became a professor in this specialty, received the title "Honoured Scientist and Technician of RSFSR", the diploma of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences for the best completed scientific development in 2013. In October 2015, V. Vigdorovich was awarded the Gold Medal of the All-Russian Society of Corrosion Researchers (VAKOR) for his outstanding contribution to the development of domestic and world corrosion science and outstanding achievements in pedagogical activities. For the development of theory and practice of metal protection against hydrogen sulphide and carbonic acid corrosion in the oil and gas industry, he was elected Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in the Oil and Gas Section in 2015. FGBNU VNIITIN also employs his students.
In 2016, V. Vigdorovich won the competition for state support of scientific schools in the field of agricultural science: NSH 9730.2016.11 "Fundamental bases of corrosion protection of agricultural machinery during off-season storage and equipment of livestock farms".
It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of V. Vigdorovich to the development of science in the Tambov region. He wrote about 1000 scientific works on the theory of corrosion and metal protection theoretical and applied electrochemistry, chemical ecology, theory and practice of sorption processes on natural sorbents, about 200 of which were published in the leading foreign scientific journals, he received about 20 patents.